Gymea Peoples Church
We are an independent church with a love for the Word of God and a desire to teach others about Him.
About Us Church ServicesWho are we?
About Us
We worship and follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. We identify with the historic Christian faith, believing that Jesus Christ came from Heaven, lived upon earth with the express purpose of dying in man’s place for man’s sin, and was raised from the dead. We believe He offers salvation to all who will repent of their sin and put their trust in him. We endeavour, with God’s help, to live our lives as Christian people by following the example of Jesus’ life.
We believe in the autonomy of each local Christian fellowship, preferring to take full responsibility for all matters relating to the organisation and administration of our worship and life together. We do not criticise or condemn others who worship in denominational churches. However, we believe God is more interested in our personal relationship with Him than in any nominal church affiliation.
We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word to us and is our authority in all matters of faith and practice. We believe that every individual needs to have his or her relationship with God restored by placing his or her faith in Jesus Christ. We believe it is our responsibility to share this message of faith and hope to all people everywhere.
The Gymea Peoples Church is very supportive of families. We believe that the family is an institution of God’s design, and we seek to support and strengthen the family at every opportunity. We conduct many activities so that families can be together and grow together.
In obedience to Jesus’ command, we support the sharing of the Gospel (good news) to all nations. Some of our own members are serving the Lord in PNG and the Ukraine, and we support other missionaries and mission organisations at home and abroad.
1. To fulfil Christ’s last command to His followers – to tell all people of the good news that His death for our sins will bring peace with God for all who believe.
2. To maintain a place of worship in Gymea so that men and women, boys and girls, may have a place where they can go to meet with God and other people of like faith.
3. To be involved in the task of worldwide missions.
4. To enjoy each other’s friendship and company as we seek to encourage one another to serve the Lord.

Church Services:
10am Sunday Morning
– Sunday School for Preschool up to Year 6
– Creche for families
7pm Sunday Night
- Evangelical
- Bible-believing
- Independent (non-denominational)
- Family oriented